
5 Typical Balinese Foods Must Try

5 Typical Balinese Foods Must Try

Welcome to Bali King Salman. Already know that the number one person in Saudi Arabia is on vacation to the Island of the Gods of Bali? Certainly the entourage of the king who numbered 1500 people will be on holiday to Bali.

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In this trip after a meeting with the president and the ranks of ministers of Indonesia, the entourage of King Salman who also consists of princes and ranks of important people in his country have a meeting in Jakarta.

After finishing from the capital city of Jakarta, they leave for Bali for a vacation. Because Bali is not only beautiful nature, but also a culinary that is very dear to miss, so here are five recommendations that fit food when to Bali.

1. Chicken betutu
This one food is already very typical with Bali. Who can skip this culinary when coming to Bali? It has become a culinary icon in Bali so that betutu chicken is not to be missed.

If we like spicy food, chicken betutu very fit to eat by our tongue. In addition, this food is rich in spices with an abundant spicy texture.

The seller of betutu chicken in Bali itself is a lot. Only live we are smart to choose just that close to the domicile or who has the best recommendations in our opinion.

2. Sate wrapped
His name sate, certainly typical with puncture. But different from this one wrapped satay. If usually the sate was pierced meat, sate wrapped is "wrapped" in puncture.

Previously the meat has been smoothed, then given the spices of Bali and then wrapped to the leaves of lemon grass. Here is clearly visible difference between sate wrapped with other satay. Talk about taste, savory and tender can we get when eating this.

There are three flesh commonly used as sate twists; chicken, pork, and mackerel fish. But the latter is typical of Bali.

3. Chicken mixed rice
Have not had time to enjoy all the culinary Balinese when there? Do not worry, there is mixed rice that may already be able to cure our curiosity will be typical food Island of the Gods.

As the name suggests, mixed rice has a variety of side dishes in it, call it sate lilit, the chicken that has been squashed, vegetable urap, and chicken lawar. It is very tasty to eat with hot rice.

4. Rujak bulung and rujak soup pindang

Rujak with gravy from tuna fish? How does it feel? What is obviously very fresh in the mouth and also spicy, because in these two rujak use slices of mango and chili. But in various places we can find with the contents of various fruits also seaweed in it.

5. Rice jinggo
This is one of the cheapest food from Bali. There is no harm maybe for King Salman's entourage to enjoy this one menu. This food is wrapped in banana leaves which are also available Balinese chilli sauce.

Because the food is priced at a cheap price, then the side dishes also can not we expect a luxury 'right? Inside jinggo rice there are fried noodles, chicken suir, and tempe goreng.

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